It started like this:
Ireland doesn't get snow very often, and this snow was gone by noon, followed by torrential rain, followed by blinding sun by 1pm. Aine and I made a snow queen and had a snowball fight. We seized the day and had some snowy fun, it might be the last time here for a year or 2!!?? Afterwards, we came in for a nice cup of hot dodo, as Aisling calls it (better known as hot cocoa/chocolate to you and me!) Here is our queen followed by her demise just a few hours later...
In the afternoon we went to see Enchanted with some friends. Very cute movie.
In the evening, I got some not so nice news. My mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is a small lump, and they will fight first with radiation and lumpectomy, but it caught us all by surprise. I'd appreciate any good thoughts or prayers you could send her way.
Now just to end on a positive note, here is one of the babies who recently received some of my crafting work, 2 little onesies/baby vests:
The babies name is Catherine Mary, what a great name, lol! (mine is Catherine Marie, lol) She was named after her grandmother and great grandmother, but I like to think she was named after me, hee hee! I loaned Catherine's mommy the moses basket I made before Aine was born. I love to see it being used by other friends and family! I really need to get back into basket making, I haven't done it since I finished this basket.
I was really thrown for a loop with mom's news yesterday, but now 24 hours on, it sounds bad, but not as bad as I was imagining yesterday. So many people survive breast cancer, but it is never easy to go through, I am sure.
Wishing your mum a very speedy recovery and thinking of you too. That basket you made is absolutely incredible - how fantastic to be able to do that for your new baby! In our house hot chocolate is known as "hot bloggy" - although the name can be used for warm milk too! Our younger daughter came up with the name and it has stuck! Lucy x
Prayers for your family.
That basket is gorgeous; what a lovely heirloom it will be.
Your Mum is in my prayers, I have a good feeling about her situation.
I'm joining you on the WW journey - I started on new years day. We can keep each other motivated.
Sending good thoughts for your Mom! That was exactly my diagnosis, and the course of treatment I followed ... I'll be a seven-year survivor come May.
Hugs ~ Jeanne
I'm keeping your mom in my thoughts. I know it doesn't help much, but my mom went through the same thing and she's okay. If you need to talk, just know that I'm here. ((hugs))
My sister was diagnosed almost 2 years ago and had the same treatment. She is doing great and the Dr.'s give her only a 7% chance of it coming back. Hope your Mom comes through with flying colors. Thinking good thoughts for her.
The basket is wonderful and it's a great thing to share.
Thinking positive thoughts for your mother during this difficult time for your family. That is the most beautiful Moses basket I have ever seen. You have a lot of talent.
That kind of news is never easy to hear. I hope your mother has a speedy recovery.
I will keep both you and your mom in my prayers. It sounds so scary, but I know many that have come through with flying colors. Hopefully God will guide her through this trial. The basket is just awesome! I have only made small ones and they are a lot of work but soooo much nicer than the ones you can buy!
You are a multi-talented person and I'm admiring that lovely basket. It's beautiful. Love that little snow queen! And I am so sad about your mother's diagnosis. You are correct, she can fight and win the battle with that ugly word. Keep the faith and know that you have many friends out her in the blog-o-sphere who will lift her and you up in prayer.
Prayers and hope for a quick,easy and complete recovery for your mom. Prayers for her loved ones, too, its difficult for all of you, too.
Oooo- that C word sucks. No way around it. Hopefully it is early and easy to treat!
What a sweet little snowman! (The baby is cute too, but that snowman is probably already gone.) Give my congratulations to your little creators.
Hope all goes well for your mum, best wishes to you and your family and hoping for a speedy recovery!
Scarry news. It is never easy when something happens to your mum or dad where you have no controle over (and being able to pop over for a talk and hug). My thoughts are with you and her. By the sounds of it they caught it early which is a good thing, but she will have a difficult time for some weeks. Wishing her good health.
PS. Love the baby basket. Looks great.
A billion positive thoughts to your mother and to your familly. Good that they found it at an early stage. This hapened to a friend a mine severals years ago, and she is well now, enjoying life.
Your basket amazes me. You must have been proud to have your baby in it, and so must your friends.
So sorry to hear about your mom, but glad it's small and it's early. Glad you had fun in the snow while it lasted!
I am so sorry to hear the news about your mum. It also must be hard on you to be so far away from her at this time. I will keep you both in my prayers.
I have read you talk of making baskets before, but that baby basket is just beautiful.
Sending your mum lots of warm and positive thoughts, and sending you a hug.
The baby basket is just amazing. Is there anything you can't do?
You and your mom (and Dad) are in my prayers. I am going thru something similiar with my dad and it is difficult when so far away...sending you lots of hugs. On the east of Ireland we had no snow, how lucky you were!LOL
Gorgeous basket, you are so talented, I wish some of it would rub off on me
Your Mum and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to you and your mum. I found a "huge" lump (my GP's words, not mine) in my breast in May 2005 when I was 62; I had a year of chemo, a mastectomy, then physiotherapy, radiotherapy, more chemo ... The chemo was horrible, the rest not a problem, and now I'm tired but in remission. Apart from being literally single-breasted I'm still me, and quite contented. Your mum will come through this - the survival rates are improving all the time. Get in touch if you need a survivor to talk to.
I am so sorry to hear of your mother's news, but caught early, breast cancer is very treatable. I am thinking of you and your family, and praying for the best.
exciting fun for the kids with the snow............beautiful basket making........sorry to hear about your mum hope things go ok........
What fun in the snow! We've been having quite a lot of snow lately and are supposed to get a bunch more on Tuesday.
It's good they are not even looking at chemo right now. What luck! She might even be having radiation at the same time as me. Maybe I'll see her there.
Thinking about your mom and you all - so hard when you're at a distance. Sounds like they caught it early which is never a bad thing
I know how you're feeling just now. My mum was diagnosed with lung cancer 5 years ago and it knocked us all for six. She is doing great now as hers was caught early too. Sending love and best wishes to you and your mum.
wow 27 I slow or what! I'm sure you'll be busy replying!! :D
The baby is just sooo precious and I agree, I think she was named after you! :D
Ya'l have gotten more snow than we have in Maryland....I miss a good snow fall!
Thinking of you and your family. All positive energies and thoughts for your mom. Hugs to you.
You made that basket? WOW!
Keeping you in our prayers for your Mom's treatment and recovery.
We got some of that lumpy white stuff this morning! But I could not take a snow day, alas.
I wish I could send a hug across the Atlantic to you. It sounds like you really did have a day. The snow play does help to soften the other though (and hugs from little girls do very well at that as well). Good thoughts going out to your mother and to you!
So sorry to hear of your Mom's breast cancer but it can be beat...I have two sisters who have fought this disease at a young age (late 20's) and are both doing fine.
The slippers look great. At least he'll be able to remember which is his left foot, and which his right!
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