I have managed to get a few projects done, but haven't taken photos of all of them...the latest news is that my Dear Jane won another Viewer's Choice!! This time at our local Limerick Quilt Show! I won a hundred euro voucher to the quilt shop I work a few hours at weekly!
Here are the girls and I in front of the quilt...
Here is my friend Riikka's great applique quilt for her son. She just started quilting. Last October. She started this quilt in March, had the applique and top and hand quilting done by May...wow. Hope you keep in touch when you move back to Finland, Riikka! She has started a Dear Jane, I expect she will be done next week sometime, lol!! Okay, maybe next month...
We had a nice display of quilts in the Limerick City Hall...
My friend Nicola and I made more of these scrubbies for a friend's school fete. I added the soaps to help them sell better, lol!!
I should have blogged much earlier, but the days are so busy with kids activities (Aisling turned 5 last week, where did the time go!) and I just let it get away from me. Here is a photo from today's activities, the kids made a mummy, vampire and various other scary creatures with my fabrics...love that they love playing with the Tilda kitties I made them!
I have been working on some fingerless gloves and on my felted bag on the knitting front, can show one finished glove next time. The bag still looks like a big green blob of knitting, so not really exciting. I have finished the wedding quilt for Dave's brother and his partner...well the top anyway...but never took a photo. When I start the quilting on it will try to take a photo and maybe update the blog a little sooner? Maybe??
Tell Riikka to slow down, she's making the rest of us look bad! You have sure been busy and I'm glad to hear that your MS is stabilizing and youar eable to handle the shots.
Wow it is really an inspirational quilt Cathi, so glad for you that you won another prize and 100 euro's yeh yeh...more fabric I guess?
Have a great week,
Hugs and Blessings
Dawn x
P.s. I am a bit slow on the dear Jane front...mine will be a 10 year project I think?
WooHoo! It's extra special when those beautiful quilts can help pay for themselves ;-). Have fun shopping!!!
As I mentioned on FB it is a wonderful quilt. The public have chosen well, again. Great showing, thanks for sharing. However, you make me jealous. My progress is so slow; the feathered star quilt will not be finished for a long time! It will be a while before I can start on my Dear Jane. Enjoy spending 100 euro voucher :)
GREAT to see a post from you, Cathi! I've been peeking over at Facebook to make sure that you're doing okay and since all seemed well, I decided not to pester you with how-are-you emails. LOL. I always worry that I'm being a nuisance when I do that. Anyway, your quilt remains totally stunning and I'm so happy you've received another award for it. It's well deserved! And wow, Aisling's five?! Oh my goodness! Belated happy wishes to that wonderful girl!! Best wishes to you ALL. :D
I am so glad to hear life's treating you well despite MS. Congratulation on Dear Jane--well deserved award. It brought back many fond memories of last summer with you and the girls and how I wish we can hang out again, Cathi. Hugs and kisses to you all!
I am so proud for your winning with your DJ! You deserve it, your quilt is wonderful! I am glad you are not esperiencing any more health difficulties than you are.
Your Dear Jane is fabulous! As someone who has trouble with attaching applique flat I can truly admire your achievement- no, more, I'm staggered! Your quilts in Limerick look great, I wish I'd seen about it somewhere as I might have got the bus down.
Good to hear from you Cathi. I am glad you are not too bad. Maxime is now sleeping with his sheep almost every night!
Take care,
Congratulations on the viewer's choice award. Well deserved. I'm not sure I will ever finish a DJ.
I love the scrubbies. Do you have a pattern for those?
Your quilt is beautiful. Congratulations! I haven't started on mine yet. One day......
That looks like a great show. Congrats on the win and the prize...I bet you easily find something to spend it on.
Glad to hear you are managing the MS..I guess it is just a matter of taking each day as it comes.
Nice to hear from you. Well done on your deserved win!
Glad that you are doing well, and I am truly awed by your Dear Jane it is wonderful. Your little girls seem proud too, and you can tell they love their Mommie.
Love the photo of you and the girls in front of your DJ! Goes to prove, yes you can quilt with small kids! And it always warms my heart when the kids like things I've made for them - I thought the kitties were cute when you made them. Will scroll through back posts to see if you posted about the scrubbies before... they look interesting... around here everyone just makes the regular small square dishcloth pattern for a facecloth, but I like the idea of the scrubbie! Take Care!!!
How beautiful to see your quilt in a window like that!! You are my hero for completing a Dear Jane....stunning!
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