This gorgeous redwork cushion was for a swap whose receive by date was May 5th. I sent mine out a few days late, but the girl that was SUPPOSED to send to me dropped off the face of the earth and sent nothing. Luckily our intrepid leader Maree was able to organize that the girl that was supposed to send to this girl who dropped out without a word would send to me instead, otherwise I would have gotten nothing at all. Thank you so much Rebecca for the beautiful poppy cushion with the Keats quote and yummy chocolates, and thanks Maree for helping me out. I am very pleased with my new cushion and think it looks right at home on my red sofa with my patchwork cushions!!
This is the cushion I sent out to Paula at Coffee Time Stitches.
I am sorry it has taken me so long to do a post, I have actually been fine, MS wise, nearly a month now of injections with no issues really, just the odd sore area but no side effects really! I am hoping that with better eating and the injections I can keep the big symptoms of MS at bay for as long as possible. If I can shake my Diet Coke addiction, I know that will help too...I went cold turkey for a few days, but am back to one a day, an improvement from my usual routine of several cans a day...
The main reason I haven't posted has just been the crazy pace of life with 2 busy kids and their friends, and a few fun nights myself, including dancing to 1am last Friday with some friends at a local fashion show event that had dancing afterwards...
I have not had a lot of finishes, but I did get my bunny quilt finished. I did a crosshatch grid and like the look of it, will do it again for if I can only master the rocking stitch with my hand quilting!
I have had some great mail lately, but let me start with the ones I am several weeks late in acknowledging.
Paula sent me this great stack of Civil War repros, just because... Thank you so much!!!!
Lise also sent a great package from Oz. Thank you for the great magazine and other goodies. The girls took most of the chocolate!! It really made my day to get these packages just because!
Vicki and I did a little swap. I sent over some shwe shwe from my collection that she admired, and she sent back these gorgeous hand dyes and cute potholders (which I use all the time by the way!).
Weronica sent another just because gift, so kind! Look at the great pattern and gorgeous yarn she sent. I already have plans for this yarn, I've started on some Fetching fingerless mitts with this gorgeous merino and silk blend yarn. Thank you again everyone!!
My friend here in Limerick, Nicola, who I met while I worked my few hours at the local quilt shop made me this amazing birthday present! It is a needlecase with an Angel Story(Hatched and Patched-Anni Downs) stitchery on it and some great cross-stitch. She did it all by hand and used Japanese taupes, my favorites!! I really have been spoiled by generous friends!
I have been working on a felted bag called Constant Companion for a while, not hugely exciting knitting, but I am making progress. I would like to do a celtic knot on the pocket but have to figure out how to get a chart I can figure out how to knit! It is huge now but should felt up nicely.
I am also working on a wedding quilt for my BIL and SIL who are officially tying the knot in July. I have all the centers done now and am working on the insane amount of HSTs needed for the blocks, snore! Here is a little sample of the blocks... I am hoping to make more progress on this soon.
Now if you have made it to another of my long posts, here are a few pics of the girls. Aisling is always hard to get photos of with a smile, she hates getting them taken! But here are two good ones!
I need to get better about posting more posts will be much shorter!!
It looks like the swap worked out really well for you in the end! I'm glad that the MS meds seem to be working for you. Hopefully you will have mild symptoms like my friend. Also very glad to hear that you like the potholders!
busy, busy lady.
you seem to be in good spirits and like your meds are working great with your body.
your girlies are too cute for words!!!
those girls are growing up! glad you have been doing well. yes know all about diet coke, kicked the habit a few years ago, only drink decaf these days, coffee and coke. you do get used to it.
Hi Cathi, I am so pleased that you are doing so well with the shots.Your posting is great and the pics of the girls is great. I like your gifts and the quilt your working on. You will have to post it complete too. Hope you can post more often so I don't worry so much. Your a sweet gal. Hugs, marie
Long and infrequent or short and often, it doesn't matter. It's just such a pleasure to read your blog and catch up on all the great happenings. I'm really glad that your injections are going so well. As for the Diet Coke issue, it would seem that holding yourself to one a day would actually be pretty great. That's not enough to adverserly affect your system and yet it is a nice treat. I tend to binge - go days or weeks with none, and then feel all deprived and have three in a day or something insane.
Aisling's photo is so adorable. I'd frame it and hang it! LOL!! Your bunny quilt is precious, too. And your recent mail goodies are a delight. Can't wait to see what you do with those Civil War repros!!
Boy -- you've been really busy. I'm glad you're not having any side effects with your medication. The BIL/SIL quilt is going to be cool - I really like those blocks. And what a great lot of gifts and swaps!
Now you know my favorite is the needle case with MY name on it!! Did you always spell your name that way?
Glad you are doing well. Speaking from personal experience, Diet Coke is a hard habit to break.
You make me tired just reading your post! Beautiful quilt blocks. I love the photo of Aisling in her dancing dress, just adorable.
Nice to catch up with all your bits and pieces. Love the swap cushions. Glad you enjoyed your parcel.
So glad it is all going well ! You are one lucky lady with your mail ! Beautiful things. Love the celtic knot cushion you made too. Great the MS meds are working !
Your girls are just adorable! I've been thinking about you wondering how you are getting on...hope the meds are helping and that life is returning to some form of normality. The blocks for wedding quilt are beautiful...look forward to seeing further progress.
Cathi - for a knitted celtic knotwork pattern why not use a cross-stitch chart and substitute the squares for stitches - I have a cross-stitch book here and would happily share the patterns in it with you if that would help
Glad to hear the MS is behaving - long may that continue
Cathi, those blocks for the wedding quilt are beautiful, I can't wait to see it when it is finished...I have collected some repro's for my Dear Jane....will collect some together and post what I don't use over....what size are you doing?
i am glad that you are able to keep things under control with your MS and all the events you seem to have going on. it's always nice to get lovely prizes in packages - especially when you're not expecting them!
Really, really pretty pillows, and I love your red couch too. The blocks are so pretty!
So glad to hear about you and the girls again. I worry when you don't blog. Congrats on the award for your Dear Jane Quilt.The scrubbies are really cute. Take care my friend. Hugs, Marie
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