The big loser this week: me!! Last week I was measuring my second pink Marilinda sock against the length of the first one and noticed a major problem...I forgot to do ALL of the cable stitches that are part of the pattern and were done on the first sock. Don't know how I skipped it completely...geesh... I will be ripping it back to the first pattern repeat... I think I am going to cry. I know it isn't really easy to see, but when you look for it, it is obvious and I really want to fix it before I give the socks to my friend. Some friends think I should buy more of the pink yarn, but that would take weeks to order from the States and I don't really want to do this pattern twice in a row in a frogging I will go!
The other project I wanted to show is an amazingly easy method for using up scraps of fabric and batting to make a two sided quilt!! A lady in our Wednesday morning patchwork group showed me a vintage quilting book with the method in it, but I could make any sense of it!! She was working on it during our group and I saw how it was done and it is so simple, and what a cool way to use up my small wool batting pieces I can seem to throw away!
You basically start with any rectangular or square based block and build from the center. I decided I am doing a Civil War repro side and a neutral side on my quilt and will do scrappy wonky log cabin blocks. I started with a 2 1/2 inch square quilt sandwich, then added 1 1/2 inch strips (CW repros on its side right sides together, neutral scraps on its side right sides together and sewed down the right side of the center square (so that would be 4 fabrics and one batting scrap sewn on that seam)). I flipped the two 1 1/2 inch strips out so right sides showed and stuffed little strips of scrap batting in between the strips... I tacked down the right side of the new strips I added and then continued adding on log cabin strips in the same method. When I got to 8 1/2 inches I stopped and tacked down the edges of the block...I will use natural muslin sashing to sew blocks together eventually. This method lets you use up small strips and scraps and small batting scraps and pieces and quilts as you cool...and a two sided quilt at the end too... I am thinking this will be a favorite method for using up scraps and general quilt making in the future, we shall see!!
If that makes no sense but you are interested in the concept, let me know if you want me to do a tutorial on the is probably out there somewhere already, but this is the first time I've come across it and wanted to share!!
Well...I have been under the weather for days now, and am started to feel a bit better, so wanted to catch up on the blog before I fell asleep again!! Next week I hope to get some little gifties done for teachers and friends, and maybe a block or two for my new quilt. I miss crafting when I am under the weather!
Sorry to hear about the socks :-(
The quilt as you go method sounds intriguing!
Too bad about the socks, but at least you caught it before you were completely finished - or had already given them to your friend! The QAYG looks good. I like the idea of having different styles on each side.
congrats to tracey, and poor you re the sock! I am interested in the quilt technique - but i dont really understand - a tutorial would be great! thanks
Congrats to the happy winner!
And get-well wishes to you!!
Well phooy-ey on the socks. I feel your disappointment - I hate ripping out knitting. I have 1 sock almost done for a present for SB - hopefully I will have a pair by Christmas day? Your quilt method would make cute doll quilts or even small Christmas tree ornaments or garlands too. Hope you are feeling better soon.
what a bummer about your socks! at least you discovered it before giving them away! I'm not a knitter so when I was making something and made a boo-boo--I didn't realize how difficult it is to take out stitches.
Merry Christmas!
Your sock experience is exactly why I stick to simple knitting. I couldn't stand it otherwise!
I've had a lot of catching up to do on your blog. My goodness, you have been so productive! I love the look of that kitty.I have several Jim Shore pieces myself, and a local store stocks them. Do you want me to see if I can pick up something for you at their after-Christmas sale? I'd be happy to. You'll have to tell me what you already have, though.
I'll say it again--your girls are SO CUTE!
The socks are pretty. Too bad for the mishap. Hope you are feeling all better soon.
Sorry to hear about the socks! Would love a tutorial on the QAYG, when you have time and feel better.
Sure hope you are feeling better by now. How is your mother doing? I'm sure it'll be hard for all of you to be so far apart this holiday season.
Love the idea of long cabin blocks this way! I have so many precious wool batting scraps. This would be a great way to make a two-sided table runner. At first I wondered how you could tell that the strips were in the same place from side to side, thinking you used a big batting square. Once I realized you used batting strips and one tiny square I think I figured it out. Do you cut the batting strips the same width as the finished size of the log cabin strips? Or is the the same size of the unfinished strips? Otherwise - is the batting in the seams or just enclosed between the pieces.
Thanks so much for this Cathi!
just found your blog via Kate North. I'd love a tutorial on the QAYG please, when you have time.
Am loving seeing the dear jane blocks you and Kate are making, as my group in Kuwait is also doing this as a group. so far I've only got 11 made, but it's a start - just psyching myself to do some curved ones, as I've never attempted that before.
Congrats on your Dear Jane quilt. It is so lovely! You must be so proud of yourself. Glad that you caught the mistake with the socks.
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