Once again I let time fly by without posting. We had an impromptu Thanksgiving meal with roast chicken instead of turkey, mashed potatoes, roast potatoes and carrots and green beans, a bit of stuffing and American style biscuits (i.e. bread not cookies, lol!!) and of course some yummy desserts (pecan tassies from a recipe from Kristin, a bought apple tart, and some kid and mommy-made Thanksgiving day sugar cookies). The kids had school and I went to our knitting stitch and bitch Thursday meetup, but after school and in between Aine's Irish dancing class I whipped up dinner (mind you I put the chicken in without starting the oven and lost 45 minutes of roasting time pushing dinner back!!). The kids loved making the cookies while watching the earthcam coverage of the Macy Parade!! We watched lots of balloons go by, but I missed the NBC commentary, lol, from my childhood. I had planned on skipping Thanksgiving, as it is just a regular day here, but an Irish acquaintance who had lived in the States was doing a big meal for friends and family and I felt guilty for not doing it myself and skipping a tradition the girls really love. We have celebrated it the Saturday after the last few years with other American friends, but they have since move back to the States, and I like the idea of a toned down but still special meal on the day, with one set of friends over maybe... I would like to keep the celebration alive for the girls!!
I have been working on a bunch of little projects for Christmas since last I updated. I finally got the binding on the tree skirt I started years ago. I also did a table runner for Christmas...
I am also starting a tradition of one handmade gift each year for the girls, I am making another Tilda pattern from one of my books, this kitty needs eyes and a dress and her sister is now done, but unphotographed... They are made from tea-dyed muslin.
I also have made some soft trees from this pattern and made one into an ornament for my patchwork group exchange, complete with little lights for the tree. The rest will just go on shelves around the house for decoration.
We've got our tree up this weekend and the tree skirt finally in place!! I am hoping to get more Christmas decorations...I have been pretty Spartan with my decorations in years past, but would love to add some garland around the house, more quilts...I have a Jim Shore Santa I love, just wish they were easier to find here!!
I love this quilt I found last Christmas in Sisters Oregon in an antique shop, nice hand quilting and I love that it is hanging off an old wooden spoon, it isn't antique but it is sweet.
Aisling is afraid of Santa, but managed to get Aine and the big guy...
Another tradition I want to follow is the 200th Post Giveaway!!! I finally, after 3 years, got to my 200th post...not a prolific poster as you know!! I want to give away this gorgeous kit I got at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK.
It has all the fabrics and goodies for making a Quilter's Friend, a lovely organizer for threads, needles, pins, and projects!! Just leave a comment and I will draw a name out on Sunday December 14th. I just don't know when I will ever put this on my list to make and would rather someone else enjoy it!!
I have more crafty news but I will save it for another post...a very cool new quilt I am working on, and a knitting disaster...more on that later!
nice Christmas tree and little trees! congrats on getting to 200 posts - but please don't enter me in the drawing - last thing I need is another project, no matter how cute. Now if you were giving away another pair of socks, I'd be first in line as I adore mine and wear them cosntantly except when they are in the wash... Probably I will wear them less in warmer weather, I admit!
nice tree also. you can enter me in the drawing, i just started my first quilt the other day! Yay!
happy thanksgiving and congratulations! you have been busy - looking forward to seeing the cats dressed up - how sweet
your girls are SO cute.
{love that shirt!!!}
i LOVE that tree skirt.
looks SO at home.
congrats on 200 post!!!
that's awesome.
and thanks for hosting a giveaway.
*my fingers are crossed*
Happy blogiversary.
I guess your girls are looking forward to christmas. And the tradition to make them a handmade gift each christmas is so great. I plan now (a little to late) to make my two kids a christmas ornament each year now.
I love Mandy Shaw's designs...please count me in :o) Congrats on 200 posts! That's quite a milestone.
Hi Cathi!
Congratulations for your 200 posts! I wonder when I will manage to get to that number! I love reading your blog... you do awesome stuff and it is really fun to read you.
Love from Spain
The softie cat is cute. I would love to see them both when they are finished and dressed. Of course the girls look gorgeous as ever, they are growing up so fast and I think it's great that you are trying to keep some traditions going - fun for the family!
The pattern looks amazing (as do Kate's socks ;-) )
Congratulations of 200 posts. How nice that you were able to share Thanksgiving with your girls. Sometimes keeping tradition seems like a lot of trouble, but it seems to mean so much to them.
What a cute give away! Congrat for your 200th!! My favourite one is the cat:)
Your girls are adorable! COngratulations on 200 posts!
Your girls are just so darned cute, it kills me. :D
Good for you, "doing" Thanksgiving. I used to celebrate with American, Canadian, and Irish friends but over the years they have ALL moved back to their original countries. :( I have sort of lost heart, I guess, but I will try to do better next year. The kids, especially Max, really like it.
I won't sign up for your gorgeous giveaway, as I don't quilt, but what a GORGEOUS gift to part with!!!
Oh Tilda thingimibobs.. they are hard to find here in Aussieland.. but I love love that kitty... I sorta kinda nearly finished my chrissy tree skirt (from 2003).. and I do LOVE your wee tree's.. your girlies are so gorgeous!
Congrats on your 200 posts!
Look at you two little angels at the top there...sooo cute they are! And congrats on 200--that's a milestone! :o) Count me in on your lovely, generous giveaway fun--what treats! I just LOVE your tree skirt...and your decorated tree looks so good and festive. Lots of lovelies of all sorts though...you've been busy! Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))
Another lovely post - well worth waiting for. Can't wait to see finished pictures of the kitty toys - very cool xx
I think tradition is very important and I'm trying to instill some ot it into Alex. Unfortunately DH comes from a family who didn't "do" tradition and he can't understand why Alex has to have a stocking every Christmas and we have to have all the greenery around the house, which I love!
I adore the quilt you got from Sisters.
Don't enter me in the draw - I need another project like a I need a third nostril!
I love those trees. Thanks for the link. I've download the pdf file.
Sweet tree skirt.
Lovely decorations :-)
Please include me in your drawing. I would love to make one of those organizers.
great to see (read) you! Christmas spirit and all!
What adorable little girls! :)
Please enter me in your drawing too, I'd like to make an organizer~~ maybe it will be magical and keep me organized! ;) Congratulations on 200 posts!
Happy belated Thanksgiving to you! I love all your Christmassy quilts and ornaments. Looks definitely like Christmas at your house!
just love that quilt with its spoon hanger
Ohmygosh -- what an awesome idea to have a handmade gift every year. I wish I'd thought of that when my boys were little. Love that tree skirt and runner -- I'll always love the simplicity and beauty of squares just put together!
Congrats on 200 posts. The trees are cute.
I love reading your blog. I have a dear friend in Ireland and we learn so much from each other about each other's countries. I was wondering if you knew of any other Irish quilter's blogs that I could subscribe to? I love learning all I can about Ireland and the quilter in me is interested in hearing about the quilters of Ireland.
Feel free to contact me at the email addy I provided.
I made a handmade gift this year too, for one of my daughters. I think it's cool that someone else is too. You have some great things finished, and congrats on 200 posts!
Congratulations on 200 posts! Your thanksgiving dinner sounds lovely, sometimes improptu celebrations are the nicest. You have been busy with Christmas creating. Count me in for your giveaway!
Please enter me in the contest.Congratulations on 200 posts...that is fabulous!I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving celebration.I hope your Christmas is just as wonderful!
I really like your tree skirt! Just wanted to you know...and hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
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