My time has flown by on this visit to mom and dad, but I think that I have helped a little! I've dusted and cleaned, planted shrubs with dad in the garden, hung some of the quilts I have gifted them with over the last year, and made dinners, lunches, breakasts... and run errands...I just had to do a little bit of shopping while I was out and about changing snow tires (the day before we got snow here) and getting prescriptions, watch batteries, etc etc etc. Look at all the wonderful cards my mom has gotten from her friends, and some of my friends too! Thank you everyone for all the support, and check out the gorgeous angel that Barbara sent her. Mom is doing well after her first round of chemo, with minimal side effects. Long may it last, though they say chemo gets tougher as you go along, as the toxins build up in your system. It would be great if she could get away with minor effects!
Mom loved the brown hairy chemo cap I made here. Here she is sporting it with a devilish grin!
I also managed to finish two projects for mom while I was here, a roll brimmed hat, the last of the hats I planned to make her, and an ipod cozy made from some yummy Noro Silk Garden yarn! She wants to bring the ipod with her to chemo sessions and didn't want it slipping out of a holder, and this cozy is nice and tight so it shouldn't slip out. Here she is modelling her goodies, lol! You can also see the Bend Mountain quilt I hung up for them, my Christmas pressie for dad this year.
My dad and I have loved shopping at thrift stores since I was a kid (my brother and mom, not so much!) So here are my very restrained purchases on this trip from the thrifts stores, nothing cost more than $1 (including some vintage 90s heat and bond stuff which might work??) and the easter stuff cost pennies on sale!! Gotta love the bargains!!
I've also bought myself a few other goodies on our travels around town, hee hee!! I've decided to start making my own cards to save a few euros on the zillions of cards we need to buy for kids parties etc etc!! I of course have gone overboard buying cheap scrapbooking papers and card stock, and a very expensive but cool sticker maker/magnet maker thingie. Made mom some fridge magnets of her favorite photos of the girls as a test...should be a fun tool. Maybe by next year I'll have made up my investment against the cards I would have had to buy, lol! Or maybe I will find it as addictive as fabric and yarn buying? Could scrapbooking be next...oh what a slippery slope!
I also managed to get myself two books that I wanted: Tilda's Hus English translation: Sew Pretty Homestyle, and Betz White's Warm Fuzzies book.
I found this gorgeous pottery with the Bend mountains on them...treated myself to these... My little Annie I bought just happened to find her way into the photo, along with a gorgeous mini art quilt that Susan at Art is Bliss sent to me. Thank you!
I managed to meet up with Kristin last night for a local Knit Night where I was able to make great progress on that hat. Everyone was very friendly and I hope to go a few times over the summer while the girls and I are in Bend. Thanks for the great welcome Kristin and Sarah!! Kristin and I went out for some yummy Thai food at a greal downtown restaurant and she gave me some great info on activities for kids this summer!
Tonight I went to a hand quilting class, nothing like taking advantage of the time I had here. I helped mom organize some photo albums this morning, taught my parents to start their own blogs, and hung up a quilt, so snuck away this evening for the class. I don't do a typical rocking stitch but I can do a few stitches at a time and the teacher said just do it the way that works for me. I haven't been able to properly figure out thimbles, so I don't use one... Here is the start of my practice piece, I love the variegated hand quilting thread I got!
Here are a few more photos of some pieces I have given my parents, a quilted heart wallhanging, the angel pillow, and a photo wallhanging of the girls.
If you have read this far, thanks for staying with this rather overstuffed post! Tomorrow I get back on a plane to head home. My girls and Dave won't want me back, the kids are enjoying all the playdates, and Dave is enjoying all the meals my friends keep giving him! I will have my work cut out for me making thank you cards and gifts for everyone!
I am loving the quilting, so will probably bring that on the airplane tomorrow. See you all back in Ireland!
Cathi - it sounds like the time with your parents was just the tonic you needed - your mum looks a hoot with that expression on her face when modelling the hat :o)
You've been busy but load of fun!!!! And, what a blessing it was to be around your parents at the time of need.
I have warm fuzzies and absolutely love it. There are some new felting goodies/books out this year and I am having hard time juggling time around to do all the projects!
Yes, scrapbookking is as addictive as knitting as quilting as beading...but very therapeutic/meditative too. Have a blast exploring the fun with your girls! We sure have our share.
Have a safe journey home, Cathi.
Your mom looks great, Cathi! So glad you were able to be with her during this period!
Hi, Cathi - it's good to see pics of your Mum looking so well. There's a nice sense of humour showing there! ATB, Margery.
Good to see the great pics of your Mom!!!!! Glad you had a pleasant trip, I'm sure the little munchkins are anxiously waiting for your return!!
Did you sleep? Goodness you have been busy.
I don't use a thimble either. I can't sew with one and you should see my thumb!
Your Mum is looking really well and obviously thrilled with all the goodies and love you gave her.
So glad my little goodie arrived in good shape, Cathi, and that you had a nice visit with your mom. I hope, too, that she continues so strong. She'll make it! Safe travels home!
Travel safe! definitely sounds like you've been busy!
Glad your mum liked the hats, it looks like you had a great time. Love that new variegated quilting thread you got too.
Hope you have a safe trip.
The hand quilting looks great! It was nice to have you come to knitting and I'm glad you had a chance to meet Sarah. Have a nice trip home!
Gosh, is it time for you to go home already?? Your mom looks a little tired, but she looks great! I like the fuzzy hat! Sounds like you were non-stop while you were there, you must be exhausted! I am going up in July for a quick visit with my mom, maybe if you're there we can meet up. I'd love to send your mom a card if you'd give me her address! The more cards the better!
Wow! That was quick! Have a safe journey back - and continued best wishes to your mom (and dad).
I am so glad that you got to spend this time with your family. I'm sure it is hard for you to leave. Sounds like you all have had a very wonderful time. I love your hats and handquilting! Great Job!
So happy you had some time with you family...and that you mom is doing well. :o) Safe trip home...And such treats here--fab goodies! ((HUGS))
Lovely post - glad you enjoyed the time with your family. Your mum looks so well after her treatment - long may it continue. I never use a thimble either - never found one I got along with.
I am so sorry that you mum has to undergo chemo, and it is so wonderful that you've been able to be with her at this time!
I love over-stuffed posts! Thanks for sharing your visit with us. Sounds like your time was jam packed and that it brought comfort to your family all, too! I'm happy for you, Shug!
Hi Cathi:
Glad I had a brief conversation with you while at your folks. I know it meant the world to your mom. Friday I went to the St. Louis Art Museum for a quilt exhibit. Thought of you. It reminded me of a musical we presented many years ago at the History Museum. "Quilters" was preceded by a on-going quilting bee set up for weeks in the lobby. The frame remained set up for and quilting groups and just individuals who wished to stopped and stitched. I think it became a part of the show and possibly was auctioned or raffled in the end.
The little buys look gorgeous, as does Mum in her hair hat. So pleased the first chemo went well, she looks positive, must be having her darling girl's support! love Tracey
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