I'm feeling much better, my taste buds seem to be coming back without the use of antibiotics I was threatening to get! Friends still listen to me and tell me I sound horrible, but I'm feeling better so that is okay! It has just been one of those months where we are all reinfecting each other with ick, and I don't think the airplane rides ever help for colds either!!
I am still slightly panicked about next Tuesday's driving test, lots of things to memorize this weekend (rules of the road, location of various engine bits we need to know, geesh) but apparently it is a rare person that passes their first driving test here in Ireland. I took one when I first arrived with no lessons and only days using a stick shift car, I don't count that one, lol!!
Anyway, as I become a golf widow today, I am going to relish in the fact that the kids don't have to go anywhere today, and I can stay in my jammies all day! So little crafting has been done, and I don't get as exciting mail as my friend Katy does, nothing squishy in the mail this week...but I do have some pictures of shopping and gifting from my weekend in London!!
Look at this beautiful sampler Katy gave me as an early birthday pressie. I want to get back into cross stitching and stitcheries, but right now my life is mainly blowing noses, watching kids and sleeping early, not a lot of extra energy.
My goal of finishing the borders on the DJ was not met in February, but that is okay, it was a bit of a hard month for me. I have five of 13 triangles done, none of the plain tris marked for quilting yet... I did however buy the fabric for the binding and made all the bias binding strips for the scalloped border for the quilt. I am hoping to finish the border this month and start on the border. Katy gave me the great idea of working on sewing the binding on and then turning it over as I go along, so that I am actually finishing both sides at the same time, I hope it works! Here is a photo of the binding fabric I bought (the blue swirls on the left) and some other nice things I couldn't help myself picking out for a repro swap I am doing. The moda cross stitch fabric I just love...will use it as background for something in the future.
Katy also gave me some pieces of her pink and purple fabrics for a few baby quilts I am behind on doing...figure a few quick 6 inch square pieced quilts will work.
Will let you know about the Tuesday results, and hopefully show the 2 funny hats I've made for mom when she starts chemo. She is still sore, but she is in good spirits. We try to talk everyday and I have the web cam set up on Skype so that she can chat with the kids and just watch them play sometimes....she loves that, feels like she is in the room with them. Often there is not much new to talk about, but it is just nice to have her as part of our day! Makes me feel a little less far away.
Have a great weekend, I plan to spend most of mine in jammies, cleaning, studying and hopefully sewing! Of course, mothers day is tomorrow here in Ireland, so I plan on reading in bed for a long time while dad and the kids make breakfast for me! My mobile phone is dead, so I am thinking a cool new phone is a great mother's day pressie as well, gonna go order one online now!! Later!!
Glad you're feeling better! What a lovely cross stitch from Kate, beautiful fabric too.
Cathi, I wish my magic wand worked better, I would have you in Bend with your mom right now! Isn't technology great ~ when we can't be where we want to be, we can at least see and hear the loved ones we want to be with. You are doing a great job of memory building for your girls and mom...
Can't wait to see your beautiful Dear Jane completely, makes me smile every time I think of the love you have put into it.
Good you are feeling better.
And a lot of good vibrations for your driving test...
What pretty fabrics!
Thinking good thoughts for you!
I'm so glad you're feeling better! The fabric colors are gorgeous! Not that I would be able to do anything with them, but they're still pretty to look at. :-p
Glad you're feeling better Cathi - what a lovely thing to have (the webcam) so your mum can watch the children - sadly, as my parents are totally computerless and with a level of technophobia which begs belief will always be so, it's not an option for them.
Good luck with that driving test - you can do it!!!!
Oh, glad you're on the mend. So nice you have Skype. Makes the distance seem not quite so bad. Keeping my fingers crossed for you driving test.
It's Tuesday now -- hope everything with your test went well. Glad you mentioned Skype -- reminds me that we need to learn how to use it to talk to our son in AU!
Great news on your test, Cathi--congrats on passing! :o) Such fun to your yoru 7 Things list. I'm with you on the books, I can be a book snob sometimes, but I'm trying to relax--LOL! Happy weekend to you & yours ((HUGS))
Glad you are a licensed driver!! woo hoo!! Feel better soon.
Glad to hear that your Mom is doing well - I am sure she really enjoys the Skype - we use Skype very often!!! Your hats are looking soft and fuzzy! Feel better very soon.
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