I have also managed to finish a bag for a bag swap I am participating in! It will be jetting off to ..... soon!
It isn't perfect, but it is still cute. I figure my finishing skills will get more precise with each new bag I do. I kinda made up the design for this bag as I went along. There is a pocket for some pens and a mobile... I bought the bamboo handles back in the States a few trips back, and figured they suited this bag. Hope my swap partner likes it!
And if that isn't enough project for me to show in one post. I am nearly done 3 baby quilts for friends' babies that arrived in November and December. I found some chinese coins swap blocks that I got years ago and decided to make simple baby quilts with them. I will do a stitchery at the bottom of each quilt with baby name and birthday and a little graphic, probably some flowers...
To top off a lovely week of progress, I did a swap with Lynette Anderson, brilliant Australian designer, for some Dear Jane civil war reproductions for her Dear Jane and my CW repro collection (love me some repros!!). She so generously sent one of her books signed for me, An Angel's Wish, just beautiful projects, and mom loves angels, so can see a project for her for the summer, don't have time probably before my first trip over. I also love the notepad she designed and the cute purple pen! Thank you so much Lynette for your generosity, great swap! Glad you're happy with the fabrics and chocolate I sent, one can never have too much of either I say!
It looks like I'll be going to see mom the 2nd- 9th of April. Have to plan my trip around husband's golf schedule! Friends will be helping out and Dave will take a few days as well. Travel is going to take a lot of the time but got a great price. Mom will be starting the chemo March 31st, so will be able to help out her first week. Can't wait to give her a big hug. She seems to be doing well recovering, but is getting nervous about the chemo. She is talking about plans for the girls this summer, so I am so glad I am bringing them over, she can't wait to see them!
Heading up on Saturday to Verry Sherry's for a party and some Easter Egg hunting, might bring the Dear Jane for some show and tell!
Maybe I will do a little angel stitchery for mom, a little angel pillow for her chemo sessions so she can lean on it and think of me for her other sessions when I am not there. What do you think? Better get that started tonight if I do it!!
Congratulations on finishing the quilting on your Dear Jane! Well done!
Your bag looks great, and those baby quilts will be a hit :o)
Congratulations on your big finish Cathi - you should be feeling very proud of yourself indeed, it's a big achievement!
Congrats for finishing your DJ. It's an amazing project and I guess you are feeling very very happy now. I've planning to start on the civil war diary blocks soon and have started to collect civil war fabrics now. But they are hard to find here, so I mix it together with some om my japaneese fabrics and other "old" fabrics from my stash
What a fantastic post - good news all round. The end is definitely in sight on the DJ - good for you. I bet it will do your mum the power of good to get hugs from you and the little ones.xx
Congrats on the Dear Jane! You must be so proud! I love the idea of stitching the name and other info in the border of the baby quilt!
Wow, congrats Cathie, your DJ is such an achievement.
Wow, you have been so busy. The Dear Jane looks amazing Cathi and that bag is great too. Have a wonderful Easter - enjoy lots of chocolate (I will).Quilty hugs Dawn
What a huge endeavor the quilt was and you deserve a great big congrats on finishing. You are my inspiration to continue the project, however slowly it is. I can't wait to see photos of it all bound. The bag is great as well.
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soo tickled for you completing the quilting on your DJ!! HOW AWSOME!!! What an accomplishment! I'm doing an happy dance for you!!
Congrats on a huge finish! You have been so clever and constant in your quilting!
Your bag look great too!
Wish you all a Happy Easter. And best wishes for your mom! It must be good for you all that you are able to go and see her soon!
Congrats on your finish. I'm glad you will be able to see your mom soon and be with her during the start of the chemo. The coin baby quilts look adorable. I saw a post a while back where the quilter used the name in the quilting near the bottom. I'm not to that point yet, but what a fun idea.
Happy Day! You must feel so pleased at completing such a wonderful quilt!
You inspire me to keep going on my blocks and to see them through to a quilt.
Congrats on the driving license...always a good thing to have, I should really go get a new one now that we've lived in this state for 4 years, I don't think the old ones stays valid that long.
Congratulations on the DJ finish!!
The bag and the baby quilts look great too.
Hope you have a good visit with your mum.
You have accomplished a lot! Congratulations on finishing the quilt - that's awesome!
Congratulations on the quilt! That's definitely a big accomplishment! :-)
Your package is going out tomorrow, so hopefully you'll get it before you leave for your trip. I'm so glad you're getting to spend some time with your mom. Hugs to both of you.
Congratulations on the quilting finish. This is truly a masterpiece work, Cathi. We in bloggerland have seen its progress over time and cheer this occasion with you!
Good job on that tote as well. Make it your own, right? I have had one sitting all quilted and ready to sew for about two years now but everything else seems to get done instead of it. You are a better woman than I!
I have been trying to comment on this and the previous post, but my connection keeps cutting out. Just wanted to say Well done! Great stuff you've been up to. I'm sure you will miss your DJ, but what a huge finish!!!
Love to your Mum! The kids will cheer her up for sure.
Congratulations on your quilt finish. And those baby quilts are so pretty!! IMHO they're perfect - I just love the simplicity of the colors against the white. And your bag is fab, too. Gosh, I wish I could make stuff like that!!! I'm not at all talented when it comes to sewing - but over the years I've learned a little better how to fake it.
Congratulations! what a big accompishment!! And I love the bag too! I know the girl you will be sending it too will be happy!
An amazing accomplishment. You should be very proud of yourself - as I'm sure you are. So the burning question is this - which giant quilt with little bitty squares will you do next?
I was so sorry to hear about your mom's cancer diagnosis. I sure hope the chemo goes well. The hats you've made are very cute!
WooHoo!!! Congrats on your huge Dear Jane finish!!!
congratulations on finishing your DJ. what a fantastic accomplishment! have a great time traveling to the states and visiting/helping/supporting your mom.
Congrats on your Dear Jane!
And glad you can visit your mom! It will do you both good.
Congratulations!! What a huge accomplishment! Glad you're heading to visit your mom - safe travels and have fun with her!
Well done that gal! Did you know that your blog was one of the first I found and you'd just started the DJ. So it's taken you nearly 2 years in my reckoning. Do you think that's about right?
Do that pillow. Your mum will love it.
OMG! do, do, do bring DJ on Saturday. Was gonna ask if it was not too much to lug around. But I read it is a possibility! Yeah!
So glad you get to hit it home to see your mom. good for you!
Love, love the bag and the baby flimsys. Wow! you have been busy.
Congratulations on finishing the Dear Jane quilting! What an inspiration you are!
I am sure you mom would LOVE a pillow to rest on while in chemo. She continues to be in my thoughts and prayers - as are you, my friend.
HOORAY! Such a fantastic achievement that you've finished DJ!! That pink bag is so pretty--I love the medley of fabrics. Oh, and such fun to see you sporting you fab new hair cut! Wishing you & yours a lovely Easter holiday ((Hugs))
So much to comment on here - I will just condense it all to say - great job! One thing my Mom really enjoyed was a simple little bag filled with I think rice and lavender - we would pop it into the microwave to warm up and she liked having it around her neck. Sometimes it is the simpliest of things that a person who doesn't feel well appreciates the most. And of course, the biggest gift you can give her is by being there... have a safe trip.
Wow! Congratulations on the Dear Jane finish!
Wow. You have been crazy busy, with your projects! They all look fabulous.
Glad to hear that you'll be visiting your Mom and that she's recovering from surgery. I think the Angel pillow is a great idea! I'm sure it will come in handy and be a comfort to her when you're not able to be there physically. (I'm curious-will there be a pocket in the pillow to tuck a picture of you and the girls in...?)
Happy Easter, Cathi!
Congratulations on finishing the quilting !
Isn't it a great feeling ? :-)
Oh Darn! where did the Tuesday go? I so meant to email/text a happy birthday to you!!! hope you had a good day. thx so much for making the trek, so great to see you all.
and I love love the pillow!!
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