Beautiful Quilts Barbara made for girls, originally uploaded by Cathi O'Neill.
Look at these beautiful quilts that Barbara made for Aine and Aisling, Raggy Heart quilts in their favorite colors: Pink, Pink and PINK!!
Barbara and I met via my blog early last year, and have chatted ever since on Messenger and even Skype... It was great to have a quilty friend to chat to last year when my husband was working at his new job here in Nenagh while I was still trying to sell the house in Waterford! Day after day with little grown up conversation can make a momma a little nuts!! I went to visit Barbara and her husband Hakan last October and she helped me baste my Dear Jane quilt and taught me some hand quilting (which I haven't mastered yet, unfortunately!!!). This past week, Barbara and Hakan came to visit us! I must say, not so much quilting or crafting was achieved here thanks to two little dynamos who fell in love our visitors who spoiled them!! We had a great time showing them around, doing some shopping, and Dave and Hakan got in some golfing 2 of the days. I took them into Limerick, around our area to see Lough Derg, to Bunratty Castle for an Irish music and dancing evening... and a long day trip to the Cliffs of Moher and Galway. I am very happy now to not get in the car for any trip further than the grocery store for a week or so, lol!!
Barbara brought the girls even more goodies, cute Pippi tshirts, Princess tins full of cookies, cute teddy backpacks...but she spoiled me too! Check out the gorgeous fabric and wonderful project bag she brought me. I admired that bag she made last year, and wow, now it is mine!! Thank you so much Barbara!!
Glad to "find" you here :-) Did you move your blogger posts when you made the switch or just "start fresh". I keep thinking about making a move to typepad but don't want to loose my current posts in blogger. any ideas would be appreciated....
Hi, Cathi in your new home--got your new feed marked. Your girls are getting so big.
Sounds like you, Barbara and Hakan had a wonderful time together.
Cathi, I too am switching to wordpress. My new address will be when it is up and running next wk, still have a bit of tweaking to do and then will be making the change.
Hello, Cathi! Love your spot here! So glad you had a great visit with you friend...And what beautiful quilts & goodies she brought with her! Lots of good stuff all around here. Looking forward to coming back here. Happy Days! :o)
I have now added your new blog to bloglines. How fun to have Barabara over for a visit. I guess you had a good time together.
Glad the parcel arrived ok. You have had a busy week by the sound of it. I can't believe you are going to felt the Noro - I still feel mine is too precious, but I'm sure the results will be great.
Here I am at your new home, soon to be in my bloglines. Thank you for sharing the new address, I would have been sad not to visit with you!
Love the new blog - lovely photos. Seems we have similar taste in books, too!
Hi, Cathy !
Of course, I'm visiting you in your new blog-home ! It's great !
Hugs & smiles !
Cathi, why don’t we email? Would be easier to sort out sock queries that way.
And join Knitter’s Review Forum whatever you do! You’ll find all the answers and more there.
Welcome to wordpress! If you like Down Under Quilts, you might also like Quilter's Companion magazine from Australia too.
whoops, here's my URL if ya wanna check it out
I tagged you on my blog today :) Love your site! I also added you to my fav links :) hugs
love the new site-eventually I will cave and move too...but for now-too much else to do!
love catching up with what you have been making/doing/up to! online friends are the best! clearly.
Very cute heart quilts for your girls! What fun swapping packages and receiving gifts. Glad you had a wonderful visit.
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