I've had some bad luck with the pal I am supposed to be sending to, which I'm sorry about. She asked me to not send packages after April and just send letters, but then I haven't heard from her again since. Sigh. I will keep trying and will send a lovely Christmas/Birthday package at the end of the year. Sometimes you just don't know why things don't work out. I do hope she will talk to me eventually. I feel like I must have done something to have it happen, but I've never done anything but send gifts and nice emails, so really it can't be anything I did. Sigh again.
This month I am going to focus on getting my cousin's quilt done and my DJ top done if I can. I am doing another month challenge on Quilters Around the World and I will be trying to do the triangle borders done and attached for my Dear Jane.
I'm sewing my cousins quilt top together a bit today, but had a night out with the girls Saturday (my friends lovely husband watched my 2 kids and his 2 kids so his wife and I could go out with the group, bless him! My DH had to go to his brother's 40th birthday shindig...) and I have a bad cold. My recuperation from the night out, hay fever and a cold has been slow! Aine has no more school for a bit, so we are having a lazy day today...I'm still in pajamas at 2pm. Girls are having a great time playing pretend games. So far today, we've hung out pretend laundry, done real laundry, had a teddy sleepover, a potato sack race, and played tooth fairy...so many hours left to go in the day... I will have them clean up all their toys at the end of the day...they are having too much fun now. They want a lot of attention at this age, but they are so cute and fun to watch!

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