I was only able to afford one official quilting retreat day (yesterday) without kiddies, as without family or Dave here these days, I have to pay for my alone time during the day!

But it was lovely to have 9-4 to devote to sewing. I got my 20 blocks done for cousin Chrissy's quilt and started on my DJ triangle border!
I hope to get more done today on the tri border and maybe get a lot of the sashing and borders cut for Chrissy's quilt. She is still not much changed, opening her eyes a few times but not seeming to recognize what is happening to her. They have moved her to a nursing home for long-term care...it is so sad...I better make sure to label the quilt well and make sure that it doesn't go walking!

I had the girls over again for another hot tub (read drinking) session. Now I am a lightweight when it comes to drinking, compared to my friends here, look at all that Miller lined up on my deck! I drink a watered down Bacardi and Diet Coke! But I'm willing to learn, LOL! I should have started these hot tub sessions ages ago...is fun to have one night with the girls during the week...would have to have babysitter otherwise!
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