Well, several big project are over and I'm having fun with these CQ blocks, each is different, so I thought I'd subject you to the next one! This one features my two cuties, Aine (onya) and Aisling (ashling) ages 3 and 2 respectively...they were more like 3 and 18 months here in this photo, but I love it, it is one of my favorites and taken by my husband with them sitting on my lap... I was going to have a muslin sashing, but I'm thinking a dark brown or green to link the blocks would look nicer.
This is going in a different direction than I had envisioned but I like the colors and textures I pulled out of my stash, so I'll stick to this pallette...
I also managed to get all the sashing sewn onto my Dear Jane quilt today and started sewing on my first border...maybe you might even see that tomorrow.
Somebody STOP ME!
On a totally different note, we seem to be progressing towards moving...oh so slowly, tomorrow I run around town doing legal and banking things while my dear friend looks after the girls, bless her!
Been looking around at quilting and knitting blogs, I feel the knitting pulling me in...used to do it ages ago, before kids...will I succumb? do I have time to? Hmmmm...

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