Quilt for Dad, originally uploaded by Cathi O'Neill.
Could you help me? I want to start on my dad's Christmas present (mom...I am going to make you something special too, but will keep it secret!!) and I have no batiks. This is the view my parents have of the Cascades from their deck...just gorgeous. I thought I had bought the sky fabric in Bend last Christmas, but now that I can't find it, lol, I am starting to think I passed on it because I need a sky fabric where the clouds go in the length and not the width
direction...so it can go the whole 64 inch width with clouds going left to right and not up and down. We have no major selection of fabrics in Ireland, so I'm not too hopeful of finding the perfect sky fabric here, but I'd be willing to pay or trade with anyone that could find 2 yards of a good cloud fabric for me in their lovely local shops! I'll put a list of what fabrics I need for this quilt here in a thumbnail, but click please if you think you might have some fabrics that I could trade you for!!
I also have one more favor to ask you (I know...cheeky of me!!). I want to start quilting on my apple core quilt, but what color quilting thread would you use? I have red and natural, but would black be better for this?? Also, if I wanted to quilt baptist fans freehand, would I start from the edge of the quilt or from the center. is there a good tutorial for this? Help!!

Aine was so cute today, she wanted to quilt with me, so I gave her needle and thread and here she is (face painted from summer camp with big pink hearts on her cheeks!) "helping" me with my Dear Jane... I'll keep her big stitches in and quilt around them. I'll remove them eventually but they are so sweet I don't really want to now. I'm up to 31 blocks now!!

Wow! You sure have been busy. I love the socks, they look wonderful and the colour is great. You're zooming along on your DJ too. Black would look wonderful for the quilting on your apple cores, but I'm sure whatever you choose will look great.
I've just checked my stash, and I don't have any sky fabric. Hopefully someone will have the perfect piece.
drats! no sky fab here...I really wish I could help you out!
I love driving over the mountain and seeing the 3 Sisters. When my parents lived at Terrebonne the 3 Sisters could be seen out their front window, beautiful!!
Tonya has a great tutorial on free from baptist fans..
here is the link
I would use the natural if I was quilting it! Red would be my choice if I was going bold!
black would be interesting ,
I love your DJ and hopefully someday mine will be done !
What kind of quilt frame do you have?
Kathie in NJ
Hi there, Just back from States, and I stocked up on christmas fabrics and some basics--but no batiks!! (though it crossed my mind! hmf!)
Aine is too cute. Don't you love the changing times their age presents?--independent yet still our baby girls!!
So the 3 sisters are the mountains--what is the brokentop? curious
hope you are well! Sherry
If you can't swap for it, you should try www.batiksplus.com You might also try Hancocks of Paducah, sorry don't know their address. But you should find it through a search. If international shipping is outrageous from them let me know. Maybe we could find a better way to get it to you.
I think red for quilting too, or the natural. I think black would dull the whole quilt ( and I LOVE black and use it whenever I can).
I wanted to say that I adore the fact that you let your daughter quilt on your masterpiece, and WOW it is big! That photo really puts it in to perspective. I thought the blocks were only about 4". You should be really proud of this accomplishment.
Look at the of you quilting--sooo sweet! Your girls will no doubt be "quilting" soon! I was looking in my fabris stash for something for you, but sorry--no sky, or anything that might pass for sky :o( I've never done anything yet that required sky! LOL! For the apple core, I'd choose natural thread too, that would compliment everything so nicely. The sock is wonderful--great yarn! Happy Crafting! :o)
I have some sky but only a yard and it is night sky with stars and moons. I am planning a trip to Marden's this weekend. Would you prefer night or day sky? I'll take a look and see what I can find.
You are really moving along on the Dear Jane. I know my local quilt shop doesn't have any skies...sorry!
No sky here, sorry. Sounds like a bit of online shopping is in your future!
I like the fabrics. It is terrible when one runs out of money. Such good buys also. I hope they still have these good buys when you have more money.
You should help her make a doll quilt of her own so that you could keep something with "her" stitches in it permanently.
I’m really jealous of your quilt frame. It looks great to be able to quilt this was. I understand this is your first hand quilting project, very impressive. I’m also jealous of you Dear Jane quilt. Would love to start making my own Dear Jane, but first need to finish my two projects. Although when I read other blogs, I get the impression that two projects aren’t that much.
Happy quilting. Love to see the end result.
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