Happy 4th of July...From Ireland!!, originally uploaded by Cathi O'Neill.

I feel much loved my our blogging community. Thanks for the emails asking me if I was busy or okay!! I was both, just hectic. We had Dave's mom visiting as well, which is nice, but I try not to be as computer addicted as I usually am when we have visitors!!
I am going to eventually aim to post every few days, but I somehow let it slide too easily, what with chasing kids around, housework, and just life in general. I'd love to take photos during the days to remember this time in my kids life. It passes by way too quick. Aine will be in Kindergarten this year (they call it Junior Infants here in Ireland...you get to be a Senior Infant the next year!)...you blink and years go by! Would you guys mind a mix of family and crafting in my posts? I feel like I need to include them more in my posts, my mom, especially agrees!

I keep plugging away at the Dear Jane blocks...won't post them all, that would be overkill but here are a few more thumbnails...click if you are interested!

I am still knitting, I've turned the heel on the Pomatomus sock, though it is taking a back seat to quilting for a little while till my doll quilt is out the door... And when it is out the door, so are we!! We are heading to Portugal to visit with Dave's brother and family for the week on the 14th...better load up on the suncream!
My camera was left behind at a 4th of July party we went to yesterday with some other American families here, was a lot of fun!! I promise some photos of doll quilt progress in the next few days, when I get the camera back!
Well, you know I wouldn't mind some family stuff in with the craft stuff, so I probably didn't even need to respond, but hey... Will look forward to your 4th of July photos - we didn't do anything here, except I went to nursery to make waffles. Hope you are feeling all better now.
I love family posts--it is all part of the package as far as I'm concerned. =)
Life's priorities are always adjusting! No worries about blogging, just take care of what you need to do!
Lovely on the DJ quilt and I see your kitty has found the best place to take naps!
And what a cutie you have!!
Glad you're okay and just busy - isn't that just the story for everyone these days? Roll on the kids (and me) breaking up for summer :o)
Good going on your DJ quilt :-)
As long as you're still out there somewhere!
What cutie pie! Happy belated 4th to you! Glad all is well there...been wondering where you'd gotten to! Hope you are all well now...Super progress on the DJ quilt. Have a great time with family visiting! Happy Weekend to you all! :o)
Yes! It's your site, post what you need to post...we love to hear all about every aspect of what is happening in our cyberpals lives! That is one reason I left the ring and combined 2 blogs into one site.
Your DJ is wonderful! Wow! I am amazed at what you get done!
Your little girl is adorable. The time does fly way too fast. I say it's your blog, put what you want in it. =)
The onesie is adorable! I will have to check to see who might have a baby coming!
Have a great trip away! The onsie is very cute!
Cathi, Hi there. I'm your virtual vacation swap pal. I wanted to comment because I've been having some trouble getting through to you with the email address provided by the swap. The emails I have sent to you were returned by the internet saying,
"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: {email hidden}
Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: DNS Error: Domain name not found"
So, I'd love to email you and be in touch but I'm guessing I don't have the correct address. Please email me at spknitter at gmail dot com so that I can rectify this.
My best wishes - VVS Pal
Perhaps we don't really realize how fast time is going by until we look at the baby photos and wonder - where did those years go? Oh right, we were too tired to keep track! LOL. Hard to believe my little guy is now 4. Yes, yes, yes - go ahead and post about your sweet girls while it is fresh in your head. Great projects you are working on, by the way. Keep having a good summer!
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