I found the patchwork group here...it is small, but the ladies seemed nice. I think I overwhelmed them with my Dear Jane quilt when I brought it in...it gave me some "street cred" LOL as a quilter! I will have little Aisling babysat once a week so I can go to the class and will have to see about my life as a graphic design worker as well...that is not as regular as it is freelance so will have to see about workload before setting up anything permanent for that. I figure I have to treat myself a bit first, so between a gym membership and swimming and the patchwork, Weight Watchers, and plans for Irish set dancing on Wednesdays ( I met my husband doing traditional Irish dancing in DC) I will be spoiling myself rotten here!
My oldest Aine (onya) goes to a montessori that is in the same facility as the pool we just joined, and I can have Aisling there for the hour I want to swim most mornings. I used to swim a lot before the kids, it helped me to lose the weight the first time I did Weight Watchers, so I am happy to find a gym with a creche, esp. when the montessori is attached to the same building, ideal!! Aine will be in school till noon M-Thurs, and then every Friday they do a special day for 2 year olds to get them accustomed to the montessori environment, so Aisling will go there, and I will take Aine swimming for those two hours. Aine loves to swim, and Aisling, not so much, so it is a great way to get some time for us together. Aisling and I will have lots of time alone while her sister is in school.
Anyway I am finding my feet here and have met some nice people already! Another American girl called last week for a playdate for the kids...having never had kids in America, I've never been invited for a "playdate" LOL!
I am definitely not going to show photos of the house yet, as we are still in camping mode, but after we get our furniture hopefully tomorrow, things will start shaping up.
I will have to take photos of my walk to the gym...poor me... I have to walk out my door down a hill to the Shannon River, with a beautiful view from our Tipperary side of the river over the lovely County Clare hills and the beautiful town of Killaloe on the other side of the river. It is a hardship, but I think I might be able to get used to it!
No broadband yet, so I am still not surfing long (dialup is 5 euro cent a minute, about 8 cents US)...hope to have broadband this week or next week though... I am looking forward to catching up on everyone's blogs again soon!

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