Barbara tagged me with the History thingie, so here goes!
20 years ago:
I was 16 years old, and I worked summers in a fabric shop, but hadn't discovered quilting yet. I liked to sew my own clothes though...
10 years ago:
I was married just under a year and my husband and I had moved to Atlanta, Georgia where he was working as an Operations Manager in a Concrete Block manufacturing company and I was a volunteer coordinator and office manager (I was volunteer as well...) for our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. I remember visiting fabric stores in Atlanta, but I was on a break from quilting, having taught myself at 18 while in university...made one quilt and didn't make any more till I moved to Ireland!
5 years ago:
We were living here in our house in Carrigeen, Co. Kilkenny, just outside of Waterford. I had started back quiting again as the friends and family started having babies!!! I had left full-time employment at this point and was doing graphic design from home. This is they year I lost 70 lbs on Weight Watchers going from 190 to 120!!! I'm back between those numbers now, so time to get on the bandwagon again...
1 year ago:
Uh....I had recently come back from a trip to the States, and was still doing lots of baby quilts for friends and family...can't remember much exciting to tell you!!
1 month ago:
Working on my Dear Jane quilt, no doubt, as I worked on it everyday in April as part of a challenge!
Finished sewing the last bit of binding on this quilt, I used variegated thread to machine quilt it...first time doing that...had good fun with it, though I'm not happy entirely with the quilting...It was a bit sparse at first following the lines I had drawn...when I started doing it free-hand it looked much better and denser... I guess I do better going outside the lines, LOL!! I used fun pieced flannel backing with kiddie prints. This will go to a friends new baby...her name is quilted into the quilt!

Will work on my Dear Jane, of course, and start quilting on my star sampler quilt...if I get the chance!!
I went and checked out her site, and don't see it there yet, so I tag Evelyn for this history thing!

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