I finished the pillow for Aine using some lightweight fabric from my stash...I do believe I made a "prairie" type skirt with that chambray print, back in the days when I wanted to be Molly Ringwald and sew all my own funky clothes, LOL!! I found some fabric up in my parents attic and brought it home, figuring I could use some of it in my scrap quilts and find other uses for the lighter or heavier stuff (foundations, home dec stuff...) It was fun to use up some of my very old stash! And she likes her name on the pillow...plus this used up all of my odd bits of batting...extra bonus!!
Those are my first row of DJ blocks for my wallhanging...going more slowly than I had imagined it would...but should look nice when done...
Did I tell you that my 18 month old got her MMR injection on Tuesday, but actually didn't... They called me yesterday to say they had injected her with the water part of the mix, but forgot the actual vaccination...I'm not impressed.
I've got to get ready for American visitors tomorrow...my dad's cousins from Wisconsin (would that make them second cousins or first cousins once removed...I can never figure that out!) should be nice visit.
OMG...I cannot believe your daughter got a bad injection...it is so tough to have those done anyway...much less have to have it redone!
Welcome Cathi! Those preschool years are HARD! Atta-girl for making time for yourself and your quilting.
Cathi, I just check out your DJ and I am really taken aback, what a beauty! It is really impressive, I hope you have fun while finishing it off and I am looking forward to seeing it.
What a shame about the injection for the little one... uf...
Enjoy the visit of your family...
First cousins once removed Cathi. I finally got that all straight because I had so many of them growing up LOL!
Hang in there - I feel your pain. My kids were 23 months apart and I stayed home with them. Though my husband wasn't away he was during the day, so I know how hard it can be. He left for work at 6:30 a.m, then after school was out (he is a teacher) he coached (we needed all the extra pay he could get), and then went to college classes in the evening for his masters degree. So he was gone from 6:30 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. 4 nights a week. I know it seems some days like you'll never survive - but you will. And you'll look back at these days as some of the best - I know I do.
welcome to stash ring Cheri...I am a few days behind in my reading-look forward to catching up with your posts....
HANG IN THERE! It's really tough for you, especially with your DH not being there, but while it seems like the kids will be little and demanding forever, it goes by so fast! I had 5 kids under 6 (no multiples either), 4 at home with only 1 at school for one term but somehow we managed. You are WOMAN - you can do it LOL. I used to de-stress with my sewing too - I would go in my room and take a deep breath out and relax for a little while :-) Magic DJ by the way! And give your baby a big extra hug from all of us!
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