We had a great trip to London and Paris. The kids had a blast in Disneyland even with their poor mom limping after them (I managed to swan dive into a Paris tree on the way to the Eiffel Tower...was looking ahead of me and twisted my ankle when it landed half on the pavers and half in the dirt where the lovely Parisian tree was growing near a cafe, graceful I tell ya...and what a lovely shade of black, purple and yellow my foot was for a while!)... The kids got autograph books and pens from their nice momma and proceeded to stalk any characters in their vicinity for autographs...we have minnie, daisy, snow white, donald, goofy, and Aine's favorite, Robin Hood. We really enjoyed our time with Katy and her family as well...the kids loved their London Halloween and just loved hanging out with their buddies! Moms and dads enjoyed time to read, play games, and mommas got to sew and knit (well I knit...) it was a lovely time...
Election Day was only a few days after we returned home and I stayed up till 5:30am Irish time watching the amazing returns come back. I actually burst into tears when they flashed the announcement that Barack Obama was the next president of the United States, who knew I would be so emotional. And then I cried again when the future First Family came out and when Obama gave his speech. It was a great night and I'm glad I stayed up to see it happen.
I haven't been producing a lot lately, we've had lots of playdates and activities, the normal pace of life here, and Aine has just had her 6th birthday party just yesterday which needed organizing as well...an Art Party for her and 10 friends (a SMALL party, woo hoo!) I had a local art teacher come and do some projects and face painting with them and it worked out really well...

My kids like chocolate cake, so I do a Betty Crocker special and then print out on photo paper whatever character/graphic they want that year to personalize it. When it is time to cut cake just lift off the paper and go...very inexpensive, personalized and easy! Love it!
I have managed to finish one pink sock and here is the current status of the second one...

Here are the slippers I knit for Aine at Katy's house, slightly smaller and felty now...

I made this angel for someone...for Christmastime...

I am verrrrrrry slowly working on marking my ocean waves quilt with this celtic knot pattern in the muslin areas..

I am also slowly doing freehand fans on my tree quilt...

So I am doing things, but nothing finished but the angel at the moment.
Tomorrow I start my diet yet again...I am tired of being the weight I am...maybe if I can find some balance to my days, more exercise, more sleep, less running around...a better rhythm to the days, that might help. Here's hoping that I can do that...and find more time to QUILT too!!
that's alot to take in. lol.
i hope your poor foot starts to feel and look better. you poor thing.
sounded like the girls has a blast!!!
cute {cheap} birthday cake idea.
the socks are SUPER cute.
and i'm liking the ocean waves quilt!!!
Oh my gosh, you've been SUPER busy! I so know what you mean about trying to find some balance in life so you don't feel like each day flies past faster than the day before. Looking for that myself.
Loved hearing about your adventures (other than that nasty bruise to your ankle, that is) and I wish you much success with the dieting efforts (yet another issue I need to face).
Ouch, Disneyland is less fun with a sore ankle. Hope you are walking better now. Sounds like the girls had a great time anyhow!
Love the birthday cake idea. :)
Wow. Sorry to hear about the ankle -- it doesn't seem to have slowed down your little autograph hounds though LOL!
Looks like you've got lots of great projects going -- I won't worry about you being bored this winter (as if!) Love the cool cable pattern on the socks!
thats a great birthday cake idea. I make a cake and give the kids lollies (candy) to decorate it - that way when it looks crappy i can blame them. and the kids at the party always seem to appreciate a cake smothered in lollies. glad you had a great trip, apart from your ankle.
I understand Balance. Or the need thereof. I have recently taken to "microblogging". Which really means I am a twitter fiend. Alas, but it does get me posting a bit each day, and keeps me in contact with at least a few people.
And I shared your tears- you were in HUGE company that night. I know of a number of small children who were kept up past midnight to watch the election.
You have been very busy! I hope your foot is recovered by now. Not a good thing to happen when you're on holiday. Or ever, for that matter.
The kids looked so cute with the painted faces. I love the socks...and the celtic knot in the quilt. YOu have been busy...hope the ankle is on the mend.
I continue to be amazed at times at how we are all so happy to have Barack Obama being our new president and to read of peoples reactions overseas as well is really nice. I read that you are American - how do people react in Ireland to this news? I see you are doing a Dear Jane - I am working on my second one. You were lucky to go to Oregon to Sisters, I have not been there - one day perhaps!
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