I would like to give away a hand pieced and hand quilted Dear Jane wallhanging. I just finished it!! I machined the binding on this one, but everything else is hand done. It has the 6 inch blocks I did when I first started my Dear Jane. I realized the quilt would be too huge at that size, so stopped after 9 blocks. Some are slightly wonky, as I hadn't done some of them with my excellent freezer paper method yet!! But the wonkiness gives the quilt has character right??

If you would like to give this quilt a good home, please leave a comment here. I will put your name in a draw that I will do next Thursday, July 3rd from Portland, Oregon after we've arrived. Can't believe we'll be in the States in a week...woh...time flies.
Thank you for everyone who comes by and visits. I've made so many amazing friendships through blogging and quilting and am grateful for every one of you!
Wow, that's quite a giveaway. Hope you have a good time in the states. :)
this is a wonderful little treasure you've created! i have a nice home waiting for it in mississippi!!!
Tonya was talking the other day about using grey or khaki as a "backing" instead of white on design walls. The colour of your wall is brilliant.
What an amazing giveaway.
I love your wall colour, your quilts AND even your CD rack!!! brilliant!
Have a wonderful time in the states, you dont need someone to cart your luggage for you do you???
Oh my goodness what an honor it would be to win this mini dear jane quilt.
I have followed your journey with your quilt and kept thinking I should be keeping up with you and then your quilting it and I said oh I should make more blocks so I can quilt mine too...
well my blocks still sit in a box and someday they will be a quilt.
Have a great trip!
I cant believe you are giving it away! I would love to give it an Australian home,
Great Dear Jane wallhanging! Makes me start something like this with 9 different blocks, it is soo nice.
It definitely has special character and handmade feel /and no wonky appearance!/.
Also great houses quilt, wall and cd rack...
Seems familiar? :) but it is absolutely true too.
I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't post a lot, I have been going for a bit over two years too, and I am not up to my 200th post either! I also haven't done a giveaway. One day! I wish you safe travel to the states and I hope your mum is in good spirits. I also hope she has received plenty of post cards. Please enter me in the draw for your beautiful wallhanging.
I can't believe that you could give away somethign taht you spent so much time on! It's adorable! I hope you have a great trip.
I can't believe you are giving that away. It is amazing and looks gorgeous on your wall. That being said I would give it a great home in Maine. I have a small quilt wall going up my stairs and it would fit right in.
What a wonderful give away!!! Of yourse I would like to join to the competition. I would never have enough patiance to sew a hand-stitched quilt, so it's the only chance to have one:)))
Good look to everyone, have a really nice day!
Oh what a generous give away prize and how lucky the winner will be. I certainly want to enter your drawing.
Connie W
Oh my goodness. I would love to win your treasure. It is gorgious and I would promise to give it a very good home. Also, on a different subject.........Some of the ladies on our Dear Jane list are looking to include an "Irish" siggie in our collection. My drive to do this is based on my ancestors being Irish. Do you suppose you would be interested in swapping siggies or perhaps know of someone in Ireland that we could get to swap with us?
Ooooh, that's such a generous giveaway! I'd like to be in the draw please!!! I am going to Oregon on June 10, maybe we bump into each other in Bend or at the show!
OOOoohh! Cathi, this is a very generous give away. I'd love to be in with a chance to win. Your beautiful little quilt would have a treasured place in my home :)
Have an enjoyable and safe trip to the States. Also if you're swapping siggies I'd like to swap one with you when you get back from your holiday.
Cheers Elly in Scotland
Cathi, this is gorgeous. I would love to win your beautiful wall hanging.
Hope your trip to Oregon is a safe one.
I can't believe you are going to give this away, but hey, sign me up!
Glad to see you back in blogland too
I would give it a good home.!...I would love it and cuddle it and pet it and.....
I would love to win your beautiful wallhanging! Such a beautiful little quilt! I always enjoy reading your blog it is always so interesting.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Please add my name to the list of wannabe new owners of your beautiful wallhanging.
please add me to your drawing. I can't believe you want to part with such a cute quilt
Love your mini D.J.
Please add me to your draw too.
Hope you have a good trip back home to the States.
You are insanely generous! Please, please enter me! I've got all my fingers and toes crossed.
And wishing you the best for your US trip. Hugs and love to your mother.
Love the wall hanging!! Please add me to your drawing. We're going to Portland, OR in August to visit DS#1, DIL, GS & GD, (in McMinnville) also BIL (in PRineville). We love Oregon.
Ohoo! This is a fabulous giveaway!! You sure you want to go ahead with it? Please enter my name! And congratulations on two years of blogging!!
I'd love to be entered in your drawing for the Dear Jane wallhanging. It looks lovely and would have a place of honor in my family room. Thanks for the generous offer! I've been to Ireland three times and never tire of the beautiful country and people. Best,
Cathi, Have a safe trip! I'm sure your Mom can't wait to see you. Send her lots of love and getting well wishes.
Of course I will be hoping you pick me...
enjoy the time with your mum - the dj wallhanging is beautiful - I'd happily give it a home
What a wondeful little quilt, you should be very proud of your talents. I could certainly give that little beauty a good home.
Oh it would have a good home here... :o)
Hope your journey to the States goes well!
Well, you know I can't resist a good giveaway - even if I do have one or two DJ blocks from you already!
What a great giveaway. I would love to give your wall hanging a new home. I'm also making my quilt in 6 inch squares.
I came to your site because I'm interested in swaping siggie squares with someone from Ireland. E-Mail and I'll post you one of mine.
Hi there, Can't believe that time has gone so quick and next week you will be in the states again. I do hope you have a wonderful holiday, and lots of catch up with your dear mom. I would love to be included in your draw for that great wall hanging - the little bubs of your amazing Dear Jane quilt.
Hugs to you and your Mom
Dawn x x
I would love to give your DJ wallhanging a lovely home !!
Your children have the map of Ireland on their faces ( as my dear old Dad used to say )
Cathi, I was excited with you when you said you'd finished your DJ quilt. Like we say "snoppy dancing"!!!! Then to see this cute DJ wallhanging as well. You've done very well with all the projects you have on your blog.
Regards, Susan Moore
Manjimup W.Australia
Wow! What a great give away. You are so generous. Good luck everyone.
This is a very generous giveaway, so I just had to comment!I love reading your blog and your quilts are lovely. Enjoy your visit to your family!
Wow! I love the Dear Jane wall hanging! Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with family. I'll be heading to Maryland for 3 weeks to be with my family. Thanks for the generous give-away!
My sister was so excited about this quilt that she told me about it. Wow!! I would love to win this!!!
Hi, I like this mini-quilt very much, i hope i win!
Greetings Debby
Hi, Cathi! Sorry it's been a while since stopped by...But what fun to be here today and find your fun giveaway! Do count me in...and I love a bit or wonkiness! ;o) Hope all is well with you & yours! Have a great time in the States! Some pain has be online less and even crafting less. But soon we are off to London next week for a much needed break and can't wait! See you here later! Safe, happy travels ((HUGS))
So cute! I am trying to learn to quilt. If you draw my name, I will give it a wonderful home to share! Have a safe trip.
Cute little DJ wallhanging...I think it would love to come and live in Oklahoma!
You have precious little girls!
What an amazingly generous give-away!
Have a very safe trip and enjoy your time in the US. I'm headed in the same direction next week!
Oooh, I'd love to be entered in this drawing! You're work is fantabulous! LOL . Dear Jane, some major patience huh? nikimcn at hotmail dot com.
Your wall hanging turned out beautiful. I love the quilting. I know what an accomplishment your DJ is! I have barely started my own journey, and I am very thankful for those easy blocks. Your DJ is more beautiful than words, your label described it well.
Have a great time in Oregon. I think about your mom a lot, she is in my prayers!
Love Stacy
Love the Dear Jane concept but will never get to making any of the blocks so to win yours would be fabulous.....
Wow Cathie!!! What a wonderful giveaway -- that little quilt is just beautiful! And thanks for the heads up -- it would have been several days before I got back over here -- I'm just trying to keep up with e-mail now while I have visitors and I'm letting blogs slide for a few days! Just look at all these people who have signed up!!! WooHoo!
Hi Cathie,
when I popped over to your blog my first thought was: what a lovely wall quilt...a beautiful little Jane to hang on the wall next to my desk...I should eventually start my own DJ... (and, by the way: beautiful wall colors...I can't persuade my better half to paint more than one wall in our appartment other than white...perhaps I should show him your blog). And then I read your're GIVING IT AWAY - how great is that? Please count me in, this is just the perfect little girl quilt and I would be honoured to give it a new home!
(Are you sure you can part with it???)
What a great give away I would to be in it.
[...] forget to sign up for my giveaway if you haven’t [...]
Please count me in for the giveaway, this would be the closest I'll ever get to owning a 'Dear Jane' quilt!!!
Oh my!!!!! - it is gorgeous. Just the thing to hang in my office at school (I am a school principal from Australia) to remind me (and the kids at school) that life does exist outside those 4 walls and that things like hope and home are the best things in life.
Cathi, that's one of those "I can't believe you're giving that away" quilts -- it's a beauty. I'd be honored to have it for my very own :)
Wow, what an amazing giveaway. I don't even feel worthy. Aren't quilts supposed to have a little 'wonkiness' to them? I know all the ones i've made sure do. I just say they're supposed to be that way. :)
Nice! I just started my DJ, wonder how long it will take me!?
Yes Please! Please throw my name into the hat!! I hope all goes well in Portland.
Thanks for the giveaway. I live in the US and visited Ireland 4 years ago with the family. I can't wait to go back!!!
hi Cathi,
thank you for your great blog, love to visit it. I would be fantastic to be the lucky winner of the DJ giveaway, please count me in. Enjoy your time in OR
Hi Cathi, OMG you are giving away your gorgeous little Dear Jane!!!!!!! I know that in my lifetime I will never have enough time to finish all my projects ... so a Dear Jane is not something I would ever attempt, just something to admire from afar. The quilt on your bed is an absolute masterpiece. I've just finished my first BOM that I designed, so I know how excited you must feel. I hope everyone in the States appreciates your amazing work. Well done you, Janet xxx
Well! With so many hopefuls, I don't stand a chance (!) but would dearly love to see this cutie in 'real life'. Maybe my next project will be Dear Jane after CWD blocks are finished! Well Done on both quilts and have a good holiday!!
[...] with excitement and am already trying to decide where to display Cathi’s handiwork. Wow, a Dear Jane quilt wall hanging, all for myself! Pinch [...]
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