My ALQS quilt from Toni!!! It is gorgeous!! I love the colors and they are blocks from the Civil War Diary quilt, very cool. And not only did she make me the quilt but gave me all the leftover fabrics that she used in the quilt, very generous!!! She sent pirate duckies for the girls which already have had adventures on the "high seas" bathtub, and some Old Bay seasoning for me to remind me of my Maryland roots!! Thank you so much Toni, you are very good!!

I also won this gorgeous stitchery prize from Lise, the Chocolate Cat. I think I may start this one over here in the States!

I also got a package with these goodies from Weronica in Sweden. She sent me these and I will be getting a few things from the States for her in return!!

We have seen a lot of Oregon so far, a lot of driving since we arrived: a day in Portland with my brother and cousins, a drive to see a high school friend living near the Washington state border and watching her small town of Clatskanie's 4th of July parade (where the kids received their body weight in candy from folks on the floats, and each got a free stuffed teddy!) and a very short overnight stay at the Pacific shore in Lincoln City (no photos: it rained most of the time!). It was a bit whirlwind as I had to drive another 4 hours over the mountains to Sisters to drop my Dear Jane off in time for a July 5 fiber arts stroll event.

Sunday I tried to take my mom up to see the Dear Jane hanging up in Sisters, but the clock shop that it is displayed in was closed!! She just had her chemo yesterday, and I had wanted her to see it while her strength was better, bummer. We ended up have lunch in town and bringing the girls over to the park for a "Summer Faire". Girls had a great time on the playground and getting their faces painted.

We have cousins here now visiting from St. Louis Missouri, so lots of activities are going on, though minimal quilting ones!! I have managed to hand piece the start of a Dear Jane block for my ongoing swap with Katy, while watching the kids at the local Mc Donalds play area. Will probably make that a once a week activity for them, as they loved the slides there, and once a week isn't so bad!!
Today the girls and I plan to do a crystal growing experiment (I was too cheap to buy a kit from a toy shop we were in, so told them about rock candy...then spent the next several days fending off their requests to do the candy immediately (never cotton string or wood skewers around when you need them!!)) and possibly some swimming. Cousins, brother and dad have headed off for a white water rafting trip down the Deschutes river today. We plan on going to Sisters tomorrow, so hope to show you the Dear Jane in its display place!
Quilty content in future weeks I promise, but might be a bit sparse for this week!
Wow Cathi, that coastline looks familiar! Hope you're having a wonderful time and it looks like you are. Greet your mom for me. I hope she can feel better while you're there. The girls look so cute with their faces painted! That's such fun for kids.
Nice pictures there Cathi! Glad you're getting out and having some fun!
Can't see some of the photos. But I see you got the angel story book. You have to read all the short stories about each block when you start. They are so amusing to read. Looking forward to see your first angels :)
ooo ooohh! Love the little quilt. Very nice!
Glad you are having a nice time here. I have to work this weekend, so I'll miss the Sisters show. Maybe I can make it next year. I would love to see a picture of your Dear Jane hanging.
I love the girls paintings! Sounds like you are SOOO busy!
I'm glad you enjoyed the package--looks like you have a wonderful mail day!
Hugs to mom, she always in my thoughts.
Very pretty quilt and I'm glad I know where to look for your Dear Jane! Have a great week!
It sounds like a whirlwind of a good time, Cathi! I just love the pics of your daughters. :D Please give your mom the best from me.
Great photos, and what an accomplishment to get your quilt to the show like you talked about while it was still a work in progress. Sounds like you have had a lot of fun so far this summer, and a lot of travel!
Just unpacking...and your photos of the lake are stunning. So glad for your good family times. Colleen
Good pictures and a beautiful quilt.
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