I think she likes her new smock, originally uploaded by Cathi O'Neill.
Aine is now fully ensconced in school, she's got three party invitations for the next 2 weeks, she's going home to play with her friend today and then being dropped off at ballet lessons...eek! Her schedule is more full than mine!
Her first party was last Friday and she was horrified at the thought of going to this painting party having to wear her dad's tshirt! So what is a crafty momma to do? After dropping her at school Friday, I found this paint smock tutorial here, and whipped up a smock with some fabric and elastic I had in my stash. Katy tie dyed this fabric for a backing for me ages ago and it just didn't quite match the blue on the front of the quilt, so I've been using it in other quilting projects ever since! She's now got a stylin' smock and I think she likes it :).
Also for party time, I have a birthday quilt finished for a friend, but since I haven't mailed it out yet, I'll only show the back. I'm pretty happy with the quilting I did, but not with the horrible tension issues I had with my machine, so don't look too close!!

I did a clean out of my office yesterday while working on my projects, and thought it might be fun to do some swapping. If anyone is interested in any of these patterns or in swapping some magazines, let me know!! I'd love to swap for American or Australian magazines that you are finished with, any scraps of Civil War repros, Japanese taupes, or some yarn, esp. more Sugar and Cream cotton yarn for my plans for Christmas gifts !! But make me an offer, it would be fun to do a few trades and clean out my office of things I don't need anymore!! Maybe you can do the same and we can both win out...

How very cute Aine looks in the smock. Now she can paint in style! I'd do a swap with you, but I need to get rid of and downsize, not exchange for more stuff! LOL
Actually, you might not believe this, but I wouldn't mind that Father Christmas pattern - might make a nice couple of Christmas presents...If you add it to the parcel you are about to send me :) I will put a little something extra in the next one I send to you!
Hi Cathi, just letting you know the surprise package is in the mail today! Hope you like it!
Hi Cathi, can't understand why you're not gettimg my emails! You must think I'm so rude, but now I've sent 3 and you don't seem to have had any!!! So strange. Sorry about this... Like the Christmas tree patterns, but I had better not as it would just become one of my UFO's LOL
Your daughter looks soooo cute! Nice smock too.
Cathi, I subscribe to your blog and love to read your posts. I'm enjoying following along with your DJ quilting and other interesting projects. I'm glad you're here.
Connie W at Simply Quilted
hwo about the 2 top left mags...........are they gone??
Your smock turned out great! The artist wearing it is priceless!
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