We are heading back to Bend (Oregon) next summer to visit my parents. We are hoping to be there for the 4th of July and several weeks after that. Sisters and its great Outdoor Quilt Festival are just down the road from Bend. Do you think I could finish hand quilting this baby and finish her up in a year? It would be great to be a part of that festival!!
Is it doable? Especially for a novice hand quilter??
Wow! It's just gorgeous. I really think that if you have a deadline, you can do it. Maybe if you work out how many weeks you have and how many blocks you need to work on in that time, you'll be able to keep yourself on track?
Then you have a goal. Your DJ is beautiful. Mine is just in pieces in my sewingroom. Have made aprox 60 blocks and it's abandoned now.
I think you can do it!! I have a goal of putting something in the Maine Quilts Show - but it has to be a summer when I'll actually be there to see it!
YES! you are very capable of getting your beautiful DJ finished...I say "go for it"!! I would love to see this hanging at the Sisters Quilt Show.
I haven't been to the Sisters Quilt show for several years but if you get this quilt done I will make sure I go! Since we didn't get a chance to meet during your Christmas holiday it would be wonderful to meet you during the show.
Now...get busy!!!
Off course you can do it. Just work to that goal
Oops! Left my comment on the wrong post. Your
Jane quilt is simply gorgeous, fantastic and
wonderful! Yes, you can do it. Sometimes a deadline is a great motivator.
My God That Is FABULOUS! You are a novice, I would not think so by that! I am dying to learn how to quilt! WOW! I don't think I could compete with that!
I say GO FOR IT! A year is a long time and like others have said, you just need to pace yourself! It is sooooo beautiful!
I think it looks wonderful and fabulous!!! I think having it hand quilted by next summer is achievable - but my husband (who sees how slow I quilt says - not a chance) -- LOL
Just plan how many blocks you can quilt a week. If you just quilt one block every other day you can do. Remember finished is better than perfect and you will get better at the hand quilting as you go along.
I am still working on my Dear Jane -- inspired by seeing yours!
That quilt is gorgeous! Definitely, it's do-able. You might need to pace yourself though. Don't be like me and leave it too long! I've got one more quilt to finish for this year's show and I'm going to machine quilt it myself. That's what's scaring me!
I hope if you come next summer we can get together sometime! My sister is thinking about coming up for the quilt show next year and I can't wait. This year I'm going to have a sponsor quilt in the show (up for the week before the show in one of the sponsoring businesses) and two quilts in the show. I'm also volunteering as a hostess. It should be fun.
You can do it Cathi ! I hand quilted mine in one year and I was a novise too. You have to start right now though, and keep at it, one thread at a time :-)
Your quilt is gorgeous.
Wow, wow, wow!!
It looks amazing. I'm sure that if you put a little time in one it every day you'll get it done in a year, and you're sure to get faster as you go along.
Oh, it is beautiful! And finished! I just finished my first two blocks and it's looking like a long, long road to get to where you are now. :)
It's definitely doable to get this quilted in a year. As Ruth says, you'll get faster as you go along.
No idea if you can do it Cathi, but I have to say it looks fantastic. You must be such a proud Quilt Mother.
Always great to have a goal in mind! You can do it, my friend! With each stitch you'll get better and faster as you go along. It is the most splendid quilt...Happy Quilting! :o)
Of course you can...everything I've seen on your blog says "motivation"! Go for it!
First, WOW! Look at all that amazing hard work! It's wonderful. and like everyone has said, with a set goal like that, I'm certain you can do it in time!
Oh good grief! I have no idea if you could finish hand quilting it! I am just in AWE that you've just hand pieced the whole top!! It is gorgeous! WOW WOW WOW!
wow this looks fantastic.....you can meet the deadline....I did it last week.....nothing quite like pressure.....get going....neglect the family and the cleaning etc....
Beautiful beautiful quilt. One of the nicest DJ quilts I've seen on my blogging travels. I htink you can do it. You've certainly got the determination. Go for it!
You can do it. Set aside time every single day, and don't let anything keep you from it, just because it seems that you have lots of time. 52 weeks - how much would you have to quilt each week? Actually, more like 54 weeks, since Sisters isn't for another couple+ weeks. =)
You can do it! I agree with those who said figure out how much needs to be done each week (or day) in order to get it done. I've done this many times to finish a project. On days I can do a some extra, it makes up for those where I don't have as much quilting time as expected.
It's gorgeous!! Have fun!
Yes, you can do it! Your story of hand piecing the whole quilt top is truly inspirational. You definitely are able to get things done when you plan and give yourself enough time. Keep posting progress pictures as you go for motivation...I would love to see how you decide to quilt each block.
(Oh, and about that muslin---you are right that you did not tell me about *how* you got it to Ireland, but the fact that you had a lot of it on hand at home gave me the idea to ship a bunch of it out with me back to Japan. :-)
That is an unbelievable piece of beauty. I'm from Portland, Oregon - shout out to my fellow Oregonian. You can finish it - that needs to be displayed! You are one talented lady.
I've been toying with the idea of doing a DJ... but it scares me... such a long project!
Yours is totally stunning. I'm quite speechless. I'll be rooting for you to finish it in time!!!
Oh that quilt is awesome I think you will get this done.
How are you feeling with your ms now?
I still get pains when Im walking about but my injections are helping. You are doing the right thing to keep busy and positive but be careful you have to PACE YOURSELF as my nurse and doctor is always telling me.
Take care
Love from faithxxx
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