Moebius Bowl, originally uploaded by Cathi O'Neill.
This is my first Moebius bowl and my first felting experience. Most people probably felt using their washing machine. Most of Europe use front loading machines, which you can't open during the cycle to check on the felting, so I used the bathtub, bubble bath and two exuberant toddlers to agitate my bowl for felting, lol. It turned out pretty well, but is still loose...I think I will try to refelt it and tighten it up again...wool is very forgiving!!
Thanks for pointing me to your new blog. It looks very nice! I think the bowl looks great but you should try the front loader. I sent an email with the way that I do it. I also wanted to say the I spy quilt is stunning. Now that you are getting started with Flickr, I think that quilt would be great for the quilts and quilting group. I'm getting so much inspiration from Flickr! Thanks for joining the moebius group!
I'm sure there's money to be made, somehow, in harnessing the energy of toddlers. Now if only I could figure out how to do it...
HI Cathi
just found your new home. That basket is amazing. I looked at the link for the moebius scarf before, and now see that you are making all sorts of stuff. Is there a Flickr group? Will have to have a look.
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