
June 24, 2017

Pretty Wild Traveler's Notebook Layout for the Scrappery

Hello! Cathi back again with another layout using the Belle kits!  I had this photo of my daughter in a a parade as a wolf, so I thought using the "wild" wood veneer and the title "Pretty Wild" was perfect!

For the main base of my layout I used the Bohemian paper found in the main Scrapbooking Kit (TSK). In this closeup you can see the chipboard sticker "pretty" and the wood veneer "wild" both also from the TSK.  The label is from the Fussy Cut paper in the Pretty Little Kit (PLK) as well as the date stamp! The flower and leaf ephemera come from the Bits and Pieces Kit (BPK).

I've added some word phrases from the cardstock stickers in the PLK.

In my final closeup you can see where I added a rubber charm and ephemera flag from the

I hope you like the layout I have made for this week! These kits are so full of goodness and can work with so many different types of projects! I hope that you will come and have a look at the kits and consider subscribing!!  You can find the subscriptions HERE.

June 17, 2017

Sweet Traveler's Notebook Layout featuring the Belle Kits

The Belle kits just keep on going!! I have a traveler's notebook layout this week to share featuring my usual suspect, my selfie loving older daughter!

I started with some scraps of papers from the main Scrapbooking Kit (TSK).  You can see where I have added an ephemera piece onto the photo. The ephemera are found in the Bits and Pieces Kit (BPK).  I used the date stamp we got in the Pretty Little Kit (PLK) to add some repeated stamping detail on the left page layout.

In this close up you can see more paper scraps layered under my photo, the gorgeous wooden veneer and Wild at Heart chipboard sticker from the TSK. The rubber charm, so very beautiful, can be found in the BPK. I added some Kaisermist in pink from a past Colour Kit (TCK). I added in some journaling.

Finally, the last details for the TN layout, I am using a cut apart graphic from the Fussy Cut paper in the PLK as well as cardstock phrase sticker from the same kit. The layers of scrapbook paper come from the TSK as well as the chipboard butterfly!

I hope you like the layout I have made for this week! These kits are so full of goodness and can work with so many different types of projects! I hope that you will come and have a look at the kits and consider subscribing!!  You can find the subscriptions HERE.

June 10, 2017

Another Card Set with the Belle Kits from the Scrappery!

Hello! Cathi back again with some more cards from the beautiful Belle kits!!  Our kits come so full of papers and embellishments, I couldn't stop myself from making three more cards!!

My first card uses the beautiful Grow Wild paper from the collection for its base. The heart inside the polaroid frame is from the Fussy Cuts sheet. These Grow Wild paper is in the main Scrapbooking Kit (TSK) and the Fussy Cuts paper is in the Project Life themed Pretty Little Kit (PLK).  I have added the wooden veneer "'love", the chipboard sticker which says "all" and the polaroid chipboard frame also from the TSK.  The cardstock word stickers "love you to bits" and "my" and the butterfly flair are from the PLK and the gorgeous blooms and ephemera heart are from the Bits and Pieces Kit (BPK).

My second card also features the beautiful Grow Wild paper from the TSK. I thought it worked perfectly with the "love" stickers making them really stand out. These Love stickers are from the chipboard stickers in the TSK.   I have cut up a chipboard frame also found in the TSK and added it around the edges of the card for a fun graphic element. The wood veneer "you" is also in the main kit. The blooms can be found in the BPK and the fussy cut butterfly and the phrase sticker can both be found in the PLK.

For my final card I went with the bright tribal looking chevron paper, Bohemian, from the TSK.  I have also added a wooden heart and cut up a chipboard frame from the TSK. The Hello Gorgeous is from the Fussy Cut sheet in the PLK as well flair and phrase stickers.  I finished off the card with the leaf and photo corner ephemera and gorgeous little blooms from the BPK.

I hope you like the cards I have made for this week! These kits are so full of goodness and can work with so many different types of projects! I hope that you will come and have a look at the kits and consider subscribing!!  You can find the subscriptions HERE.